Simran Shoker
Sales Representative
Simran started working in the real estate sector at a very early age. She started as an admin in a real estate brokerage soon after graduating from her Office Administration diploma in 2009. She learned the ins and outs of real estate while working at the brokerage by assisting various realtors with their real estate needs. She has extensive knowledge of offer and listing preparation and is very experienced in navigating her way through the local real estate boards. She also worked with real estate lawyers while gaining knowledge and expertise in closing real estate transactions.
In between, she made the decision to switch her career focus and become a Paralegal. This allowed her to study and work in numerous legal departments where she added contract law and the Residential Tenancies Act to her areas of expertise. Recently, she worked with the planning department of the City of Hamilton developing the city’s real estate structure.
Even as she pursued other career opportunities, she remained passionate about real estate and has always kept up to date with the local real estate market. Now, her valuable experience with surrounding professions makes her a great asset to our team and provides her many advantages in helping clients find their dream home.
Mobile: (519) 755-7830
Email: [email protected]